NU Reflect - Newcastle University

Postgraduate Research

NU Reflect (previously ePortfolio) is primarily for student-owned information, including records of supervisory meetings (co-owned with attendees, with notes private to the attendees).

Your ePortfolio also includes links to PGR CoP (Code of Practice), which is the site supporting institutionally-owned processes including: Project Approval, Annual Progression & Nomination of Examiners. 


NU Reflect:

This section is specific to PGR. For general information on using NU Reflect (meetings, blog, skills etc) see the help infirmation in the Start Here section.

 PGR Recording of Meetings with Supervisors

 Training Needs Analysis (Self Assessment and Personal Development Plan, PDP)

 Attaching Evidence from ePortfolio for Annual Progression

 Brief Overview of Accessing ePortfolio for PGR Supervisors

 Information for Staff Candidates



PGR CoP is a separate Website which supports the institutionally-owned processes of the PGR Code of Practice, including: Project Approval, Annual Progression & Nomination of Examiners. It is closely integrated with NU Reflect.

 Instructions for Annual Progression(Postgraduate Research) 
 Instructions for Project Approval(Postgraduate Research)

 Approval of Title and Nomination of Examiners (Postgraduate Research)

 PGR CoP – Instructions for Administrators (Postgraduate Research)